Below are the most commonly-asked questions from our guests and members, which we hope will provide enough information to help you make the best decision about joining our program. We are constantly reviewing questions we receive to decide whether they should be included in this list, and if there's something you think we need to consider then please visit the 'About/Contact Us' page and send it to us. We promise to respond to you directly, and it might even be added here to benefit others in the future.
How does your net terms program work?

We have been able to develop a business model that allows us to take the risk on extending trade credit to new and high-risk businesses where others can't. As a result, we're willing to take a chance on almost anyone!

WE don't charge membership or subscription fees for our tradelines - period. There is a one-time non-refundable application fee of just $20.00, but you won't be asked to pay anything else to be able to shop with us on credit - ever.

The process is simple. Create a login account with us, complete the brief credit application, and select the service plan that works best for your company. We'll promptly review your application, and upon approval your new tradeline will be available for use immediately. That's all there is to it.

For applicant companies with little or no credit history, we may offer a minium starting tradeline, but the good new is that with good payment history, companies can quickly receive limit increases and (in some cases) more favorable payment terms and even prepayment discounts.

How long do I have to pay my net terms invoices?

You have 30 days from the date your invoice is sent to pay it.

It's important to note that invoices are not generated until the day customer orders ship. This means that the invoice payment is due 30 days from that date, not from the order date.

Do you report my tradeline to the business credit bureaus?

YES. We report once a month to Experian Business, Moody's, and CreditSafe, and we plan to add other bureaus this year (2025).

New accounts are reported in the first monthly cycle following the date they are opened, so you should see your new tradeline appear quickly. With Experian, it will show up as a "Gen Merch" tradeline (the business credit bureau never list the names of creditors, just the SIC or NAICS category they belong to).

IMPORTANT - If your business is new or doesn't have an Experian file already then according to Experian it could take up to 90 days for your tradeline to show up in a report. This isn't something we have control over. We provide our data monthly to the bureaus, and what happens after that is entirely in their control.

Is approval for an account guaranteed?

The short answer is, YES. We guarantee approval in almost any circumstance. The only exception is when we are not able to verify the information provided about an applicant company. So, if we cannot confirm details about a company's formation documents with the state authority where it was formed then we generally will not approve the application.

This means it is important for all applicants to ensure they are furnishing accurate information about their company when completing the application, so we encourage you to take a few extra moments to review your applicaiton before submitting it.

Is there a fee for a tradeline account?

NO! And yes...

While we don't charge a subscription or membership fee like others, we do have a one-time application fee of $20.00, which is due at the time you apply for your account. This is a non-refundable fee, and we charge it because we have to pay for business credit reports, plus we do have personnel costs for the time it takes to review and research your application information.

But that's all! You will never pay us any other fees or costs for your tradeline other than the invoices for what you buy from us.

Is there a long-term commitment if I join?

NO. You can cancel your account whenever you like, although we hope to be enough of a benefit to your company that you choose to stay with us.

Any balance(s) on the invoice(s) you have not yet paid are due in full immediately. We require your account to be at a zero balance before your account is closed. The best practice is to pay your outstanding invoice(s) first and then request a cancellation, if that's what you decide to do.

Does my plan payment report to the bureaus?

NO. The business credit bureaus do not accept trade data from companies that offer "pay-for-tradeline" service, and even though that is not th ebusiness we are in, we want to avoid anything that might give that appearance.

This means we only report purchase and invoice payment activity on supplies and merchandise you purchase from us. If there is no activity in a reporting cycle then our report will include zero balances for payments and high balance in that time period.

Using your tradelines is important, because that is the only way anyone looking at your business credit report can determine how well you pay your bills and how much credit you're using. Having multiple tradelines on your report with no activity does not help your credit score.

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